2016 Weigh Off Results - Thanksgiving Point
Ed Dennis Wins Thanksgiving Point Weigh-Off with A
1491.5 Lb Giant Pumpkin
Ed Dennis won the 2015 Utah Giant Pumpkin Grower weigh off at Thanksgiving point with an enormous 1491.5 pound pumpkin. Although there was no question who would win from the beginning, the main question was exactly how much would Ed win by. In the end, Ed's pumpkin weighed in at 1491.5, beating out his closest competitor by nearly 500 pounds and making him the #2 all-time pumpkin grower in the state of Utah, based on size.
Ed's pumpkin, grown from the 2230.5 Wallace seed, smashed his personal best by nearly 540 pounds. Ed brought his first pumpkin to a UGPG wiegh-off in 2011 and it weighed in at just 184 lbs. This is Ed's 4th year participating in the Thanksgiving Point Weigh-off. His previous best finish was 7th place in 2015. Congratulations to Ed on his very first weigh-off win at Thanksgiving Point!!

Did we miss a picture of your entry or did you get a better photo than we did? Please email your photo to the webmaster to be added to this page. Be sure to include your name, what your entry was, and it's official wieght.