Utah Hall Of Fame
Hall of Fame growers have been selected because of thier significant contribution to the sport of giant pumpkin growing in Utah and the Mountain West. Hall of Famer inductees have made significant contribution in one or more of the following areas - outstanding promotion of the sport of giant pumpkin growing in Utah and surrounding areas; achievement in setting state records, winning weigh-offs and/or outstanding weigh-off performance over a long period of time; and also outstanding and dedicated leadership in the Utah Giant Pumpkin Growers organization.

Ray Tolman
Ray is considered the Father of Giant Pumpkin Growing in Utah. Ray was involved with giant pumpkin growing from the beginning and set the first Utah State Record of 132 lbs. back in 1990 before Altantic Giant seeds were used in Utah. He has held the state record three times. Ray has spent years promoting the sport of giant pumpkin growing in Utah, organizing weigh-offs and more. Many of Utah's top growers consider Ray to be a mentor to them. Ray was instrumental in the organization of the Utah Giant Pumpkin Growers club in 2005 and served as the Membership/Sponsorship Coordinator and also a Vice President during the first 5 years. Pumpkin growing in Utah would not be what it is today without Ray Tolman.

Ross Bowman
After a successful career as a rocket scientist, Ross turned his focus to giant pumpkins. After retirement, he wanted to bring smiles to the faces of those in town by growing giant pumpkins in his garden. That he did! Ross was the first grower to bring 3 seperate 1000 lb pumpkins to a single weigh off. He went on to win 2 weigh offs and was the first grower in Utah to top the 2000 lb mark. At the age of 86 Ross brought 3 pumpkins to the Hee Haw Farms weigh off totally 5859 lbs, including the new state record of 2142 lbs. He also won the 2012 ginormous pumpkin regatta. Ross is respected as a great person and a friend to UGPG growers far and wide.
Gordon Tanner
The first president of the UGPG, Gordon Tanner helped grow the hobby of giant pumpkin growing tremendously in the early stages in Utah. Gordon is a 2-time Utah State Record holder for pumpkins, and also the current State Record Holder for giant squash. Gordon has won a total of 3 UGPG weigh offs. He has been an official judge at many of our weigh off events. Gordon is a pioneer of giant veggie growing in Utah!

Andrew and Yvonne Israelsen
From the beginning of the UGPG, Andrew and Yvonne have been a huge part of pumpkin growing in Utah. Andrew served as the first Vice-President of the club. Andrew has won 2 UGPG weigh off events and was only the second grower to hit 1600 lbs in Utah. Besides the wins, he has found a lot of success over the years. He has finished 2nd at 5 different events, 3rd three different times, and has finished in the Top 5 on 13 different occasions! Yvonne has surely helped him along the way and has been an amazing asset to the pumpkin growing community. She has been our official record keeper since the beginning and rarely misses a weigh off. She has kept the website alive and well. Because of her we have a well kept list of records in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. The Israelsen's are a huge positive force in this hobby!