UGPG Weighoff General Rules & Regulations For Giant Pumpkins

  1. This contest is open to UGPG members only. UGPG Membership is $30.00 per calendar year. You may register to become a member of the UGPG at the weigh off.
  2. The entry must be a Cucurbita sp. specimen that was grown by the exhibitor.
  3. The entry must be exhibited by the grower or team. In the case of an emergency where the grower or team cannot be present to exhibit the entry, the UGPG will make a determination regarding the validity of a grower or team’s absence.
    1. "Grower" is defined as a person who has grown and cared for the entry from planting to harvest.
    2. "Team" is defined as any two or more "Growers" who exhibit together.
  4. All specimens that will be submitted to the UGPG for prize money and recognition must be weighed on a certified scale with only the fruit on the scale. Any fruit weighed with a tarp, pallet, or any other lifting device will be classified unofficial weight or "EXH".
  5. No foreign material (i.e.: fungicides, caulking, skin additives etc.) will be permitted in the weighing of any fruit. Vines must be trimmed to within one inch of the stem of the fruit. The judges have the right to inspect any and all fruit before weights and measurements become official. Refusal of any inspection to an entry will cause the entry to be classified exhibition only.
  6. The specimen must be sound, healthy, and undamaged. Entries must be free of rot, holes or cracks through to the cavity, and serious soft spots.
    1. The Judges reserve the right to probe cracks, holes, and to dig out soft spots to judge a fruit official or not. Before the Judges can execute any of the previous they must have the grower present.
    2. A serious soft spot is one that is greater than 3 inches in diameter, and greater than 3 inches deep. The dimensions of the soft spot will be measured after all soft material has been removed with a spoon.
    3. If there are more than two soft spots that require material to be removed and measured, the pumpkin will be disqualified even if each is smaller than the definition of 'a serious soft spot'.
    4. Small damaged areas are acceptable if naturally healed over with new rind, also known as natural scabs or new cantalouping.
    5. Judging is to be completed before a fruit is officially weighed.
  7. The UGPG will only recognize one official specimen per grower per weigh-off.
    1. Entries other than the grower's one official entry will be entered as "EXH - exhibition" for legal fruit and "DMG - damaged" for illegal fruit. EXH and DMG fruit are ineligible for prizes.
    2. A grower or team may bring up to 2 pumpkins per weigh-off.  If a grower or team wishes to bring 3 or more pumpkins they must contact a club representative(s) prior to weigh-off day to ensure the UGPG can accommodate their multiple fruit.
  8. No specimen will be allowed into competition if that specimen has been previously entered at another GPC (Great Pumpkin Commonwealth) or UGPG weigh off competition.
  9. Minimum weight for an entry is 100 lbs.
  10. Heaviest sound entry wins.
  11. Squash will be classified as follows -100% of the following colors or color combinations: green, blue, and gray. The surface area of the fruit as grown in the garden, not including the portion that was in contact with, or close proximity to the ground will be considered. This area will include the area between the ribs, around the stem, and the blossom end. This will not include any netting (cantaloping), any discoloration caused by the close proximity to the ground, or minimal amounts of white striping or mottling associated with some squash.
  12. Pumpkins will be all fruit not classified as squash.
  13. In the event of a tie of two or more places all entries that are tied will have the prize money for the places that are tied added together then split equally amongst the places that are involved.
  14. The three Judges are will be three club/grower representatives selected by the UGPG.
  15. Any attempt to coerce or influence a judge is grounds for disqualification at the discretion of the UGPG executive board.
  16.  If a judge has a fruit entered and should the entry require a judge’s ruling, the entered judge will be replaced by another judge/club representative until after the final decision is made.
  17. All entries must arrive on a pallet
  18. Neither the host weigh-off site nor the UGPG will be responsible for any damages caused to any person(s) or specimen(s) at this event.
  19. Jr. Division is for entrants 15 and younger. No entrance fee or club membership is required for entry. We recognize that entrants likely received consistent help with growing these pumpkins, which is acceptable in this class. We do ask that the child take an active part in caring for the plant during the season. These entries will not recorded as official GPC entries, and will not be entered for prize money in the general field. If a Jr. grower has been the primary caregiver of the plant and would like to enter the pumpkin as an official entry, please do not mark "Junior Division" box on registration form.

UGPG Rules for Long Gourds, Field Pumpkins, Watermelon, Tomatos and Bushel Gourds

Long Gourds

  • The long gourd competition is strictly for length.
  • To obtain a measurement the long gourd must be on a horizontal flat surface that will support the entire length of the specimen.
  • Only a metal tape measure or a carefully calibrated sliding device may be used for the measurement.
  • No part of the stem will be considered in the total length.
  • The measurement must be the straight line horizontal distance from the end of the gourd near the base of the stem to the tip at the blossom end. No curvature of the gourd is to be used to increase the measurement.
  • All specimens must be sound, whole and firm.
  • The tip of the gourd must be firm and in good condition. Those with a tip that is rotten, shriveled or rubbery should be left at home. If such a specimen does appear at a GPC site, it may be listed as damaged (DMG).
  • Recognizing that the perfect long gourd is a rarity, very minor surface cracks, soft spots and other flaws may be permitted at the discretion of the UGPG judges.

Field Pumpkins

  • Field pumpkins are classified as having a hard, green stem.
  • Green (unripe) field pumpkins are allowed as official entries.
  • All rules in General Rules apply, with the exception that a damaged spot may not exceed 2 inches in diameter for field pumpkins.


  • No frozen specimens will be allowed.
  • All rules in General Rules apply, with the exception that a damaged spot may not exceed 2 inches in diameter for watermelon.
  • Cracks or damage into the interior pink flesh will be classified as DMG.
  • Fruit may not leak, any liquid coming from fruit will be considered DMG.


  • All tomatoes must be healthy; a healthy tomato must be free of significant soft spots or leakage.
  • Skin may be cracked but not leaking.
  • Tomato must be weighed on certified scales, calibrated to 2 decimal places in pounds or pounds and ounces.
  • Tomato weights must be reported in pounds and ounces to 2nd decimal place. (ie: 6 pounds 5.53 ounces)
  • Stem must be cut within .5 inches of the specimen.
  • Green fruit will be allowed as official entries.
  • Specimen must be weighed on a certified scale of appropriate sensitivity.
  • No frozen specimens will be allowed.
  • The entirety of the fruit flesh must be connected – pictures or video must show this.

Heavy Gourds (Bushel, Kettle, Pear) and other varieties:

The GPC has created this competitive class for growers of this type of gourds, which are the heaviest type of gourds, with prize money and listing on BP. It is a Lagenaria siceraria.

  • These Gourds are to be measured for weight, not for length.
  • The fruit is round shaped and green, yellow and/or brown in color.
  • Gourds must be sound, clean and free of cracks, splits, holes and rotten spots into the cavity.
  • The stem must be removed within 2.5 cm (1 inch) of the fruit